Yup.. here's how my Sunday evening started.. Poop inside the tub, it's poop inside the tub (Everybody say Whoops upside ja head, whoops upside ja head!)
Delay of game due to cleaning
Ok, cleaned the tub, back in and out... and we're good.
Then, out of the tub, and we always sit on my bed, on my side *you see where this is going don't you* and PEED IN MY BED!!
Oh sigh... ok, so maybe it is time to clean the sheets....at EIGHT PM!
Ten p.m. the snoring starts.. LOUD.. no, smarty pants. not me! Miss T.. Snoring, a lot.. Oh man, there is a kid sick at the sitter, don't start this on a sunday night.
Ten thirty, I am going to bed, laying there, listening to the monitor, it's getting so much louder and then the coughing starts.. this goes on until after 12:30... Daddy, (the poor thing) can't sleep so he goes downstairs on the couch *(and may possible stay there) long story short, I got about an hour and a half of sleep overall until 5 ish.
We get up, call the Dr get our assigned time of 9:45 and we are getting ready, eating a very quick breakfast and out the door, Now pay attention this goes fast.
1. forgot the diaper bag FORGOT IT!! AT HOME!
2. Get to the dr, we have to see the nurse p. we could have RSV so they test her.
2.a. SWAB up the nose, both sides.. ya, I would have kicked the nurse too.. Yup, kicked the nurse.
2.b. then had to have a breathing treatment in the office. She grabbed the nurses hand and pulled it away and pulled the tube out. My kid is smart.. pissed off and smart!
3. leave the Dr office, get in the car, get out and go to wallgreens to get our stuff (*ear infection and RSV with breathing treatments for a WEEK to ten days!!) Walgreens #1 wait is TWO plus hours.. have I mentioned the breathing treatment stuff is PREPACKAGED!!! GRRR I hate that walgreens! Walgreens #2 - Fifteen Minutes!!
4. we run to arby's (story for tomorrow, tune back in during naptime) and get lunch.
5. back to Walgreens after a brief stop at Starbucks for momma... needing it... and talked to the matress giant guy taking out trash and we can get my bed thing firxed. ( tune in tomorrow for that one too)
6. home ** Interesting part here*** So we finally get home and I go to open the garage and the car clicker is dead but I have one on my key chain and go to click it and the button SLIDES into the clicker and STICKS@@ ON!!!!
So, I am like "oh crap!" so I am trying to mess with it and get it back in it's place so the light goes off and the door is going UP AND DOWN -- UP AND DOWN ya, your cracking up arn't you..
so I am like shit, what do I do?? I am trying to hide it so it's not making it work, no.. not happenin UP AND DOWN -- UP AND DOWN.
I take T out of her carseat and by this point it's down. so I put my keys in my pocket and go up to the door to open it by the code.. and it starts to go up then it stops like 4 inches off the ground and the clicker and the wall unit are fighting... it would start to go up then start to go down again...
it took us almost 4 minutes to get in the house...
So there Kiefer!! It takes you an ENTIRE SEASON to have that much entertainment in one day!
Wow, sounds like a CRAZY day. I hope she'll be feeling better soon, poor baby.
Oh my! I hope you get sleep tonight. I hope T gets some sleep tonight. I guess I hope Bob gets sleep tonight. I hope T feels better soon. I hope your garage door is fixed.
24 was still pretty good tonight though....did you get to see any of it?
Stay home tomorrow...weather sucks anyway.
Isn't Motherhood a blast and a half?
Hey Hippies!
Thanks for voting - I'll be back to read more of your family antics. xx
What a nightmare!
well... i hope your cricut arrived in the mail... that would make it all better, LOL. I am joking, hope you both get your stregnth back after that day!!!
I feel your pain. It's like I've had the exact same day only mine ended with the poop in the tub incident... motherhood is glamorous - yes?
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