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Friday, September 21, 2007

Week 15 - Ultrasound 3

Today Lisa, Mom and I went to my third ultrasound and had a lot of fun. there are 2 TV's in the room so I got to watch one and they watched the Tech (Karen) do the amazing job that she does.

So, here are a few pictures.

1. Heres the hands, looks like a good set of five fingers to me!

2. The legs crossed (and the tushe) I think this baby has Bob's legs..

3. a Close up Profile. Babys facing the left side of the page. Head at the top of the right, belly at the bottom center ish.

4. So, we got one of the feet again (Karen likes feet as much as I do)

We had a great time, went to the ultrasound, went shopping at Gordmans, went to Moes for dinner and it was good then went to DSW and I got 2 pair of shoes.. I am so excited. it was so fun!

I am feeling so much better now, getting my energy back and I finally feel like I am getting some sleep. Not up every 2 hours peeing and having freaky dreams.

Good day, good week 15.

Month 4 starts next week.

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