Wow, how did a whole month sneak by? I don't get it, as soon as I feel like I am on track and catching up, BAM it's a whole new month. I started getting T all set up in a new size (of course) and mid way thru she grew out of the 18 month (Finally) and is now partially going into 24 months, do I suck it up and just get rid of all of the 18 month and move into clothes that are too big? Naa.. that would make my life too easy. We are moving out of the things I know she's grown out of and have the empty diaper box behind the chair for anything that comes out of the closet that wont/shouldn't go back in.
Is there an easier way? I would love to know!
We had thanksgiving at my mothers, with a small trip to the inlaws for the check in. Long story short, there's so much going on that I can't talk about in my blog that imagine this is at least another two pages... I know you get it.
I am prepping for Christmas now, we are going to get our tree next weekend, I wonder to myself which is better, to have a real tree that dies by January and we have to recycle or something with that one, or go fake and add to the addition of plastic? Sigh... we go real every year, we end up mulching with the needles and branches and the stem? stalk? of the tree(s) are in our garage and I am not sure what that man is planning for them, but it does make me feel less bad that we are working with them.
The tupperware has helped with presents, I am going to have a last cash and carry party before the end of the year, it was going to be this next weekend but that's gone a bust becuase my shippment is late. (sigh) But that is A-ok, we'll go for the weekend after and do just as well.
I've lost another reader... hmm, oh well, I have to say I've not been working hard enough at writing to keep them. Sad none the less but fairwell... I did start this blog for me and want to make sure I continue it that way. I do have plans for 2010 and it's shockingly vain. 2010 is the year of working on me. Scarry, not that my family suffers but I've got the mind set of if I can't take care of me, how can I take care of them as needed. (Airplane rules apply)
So here's my change for 2010 resolutions
1. Make myself healthy, this means weight control, exercise and mentaly.
2. (also known as 1A.) Work on eating better, real food, less crap, and a minimal amount of fast food, I don't want to say none becuase that's just waiting to ruin that.
3. (also known as 1B.) Exercise, more regularly, more activity, more for me, including the time to do it. This does not restrict Wii, treadmills, going for early evening walks, working out at lunch, etc.
4. (also known as 1C.) Making time for me. I want to have a me night at least every other week, on a week night, work later, possibly work out after work, grocery shopping? any other items that I need to get done. This also makes daddy/daughter time.
5. Sew more, work on finishing projects that I have going on without starting new.
6. Clean more effectivly, I am thinking I may take an organizing class at the local college for new ideas on what to do better.
7. ............pending..........
8. .............pending..........
9. .............pending..........
10. ...........pending..........
That's as far as I've gotten so far. I have a few things I am sure I will come up with before the end of the year.
That's all I've got for now.
3 hours ago