Recently my sitter found we were having a leaking problem in our storage bags for Miss T's lunch. This is a big issue for me as we are going to more solids and so I am producing quite a bit less. As most of you know, I am the kind of person that wants the best customer service possible, because well, we are paying for most of it. Here's my letter... (most of it is begging and crying at a loss for what to do)
"Hello. I purchased many packs and received many gifts of storage bags for my daughters lunches while at the sitter. I am now using a pack that the sitter has told me is leaking more often than not. I have minimized to make sure I am under 6 oz in every pack and we are still having this issue, she's thawing in a zip lock bag in water to minimize the ice chipping the bag but still no luck. This is a very difficult time for me, my daughter is 8 months old almost, my milk is starting to go down and I can't afford to lose any. Please let me know if there is anything you can do to help. if not I am not sure what else I can do. I like your bags the best but will go to another brand if needed. thanks"
I sent this on SATURDAY at 10 pm....
I received a note this morning (Monday) at FIVE AM !!! Even if they are on the east cost that's 6 am... The Market is not open then and I have been in the middle of times square and the streets are close to empty until close to 7:30... this is awesome - and the reply...
"Tricia, First I would like to extend my sincerest apology to you for the unpleasant experience you are having with our Milk Storage Bags. Thank you very much for notifying us of this problem. I can only imagine how frustrating and disappointing this must have been for you. This company was founded over 20 years ago by a breastfeeding mothers for the sole purpose of supporting breastfeeding and I am so sorry that one of our products has not only failed to make things easier for you but has created quite the opposite. It takes an enormous commitment to breastfeed, even more of a commitment to provide breast milk in your absence. To know that a product of ours has challenged you even further is a terrible thing for you and for all of us here at Lansinoh. I would like to try and explain what might be the problem: Our biggest challenge is to make a bag that is strong enough while using a completely safe plastic. There are many types of plastic, most of which would be more pliable and more durable. Unfortunately, this plastic has components in it (called plasticizers) that could leach through into the milk. Only when using virgin plastic (which we do) can we be assured that the milk can be stored safely with no possibility of an undesired element being released from the plastic. Virgin plastic is more rigid and when the milk freezes, it places more stress on the plastic. The development of a breast milk storage bag has been a long and costly project for us, but we are determined to deliver a quality bag made of virgin plastic. Do you by chance still have the inspection code that would have been included inside the white pouch? It looks very much like a fortune that you would find in a fortune cookie. Also, do you still have the defective bags? If so, I would like to send you a self-addressed stamped envelope to return the defective bags so that we may forward them to our manufacturer. I would like to try and help you salvage the milk you have frozen now. I can get a supply of our bags sent to you for you to use to 'double bag' the milk you are defrosting so that if they do continue to leak, you can at least catch your milk in something sterile so that it does not go to waste. In the meantime, you can continue to thaw them in the larger bags or place them in an empty glass container to help salvage any milk that leaks. I just need to know approximately how many bags you currently have frozen. I would also like to send you an additional supply of bags to use going forward, or if you prefer, a refund. Please provide your mailing address and phone number. Again, I am sorry for the trouble this has caused and if you have any questions or if I could be of any further assistance please feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Danielle B.
Lansinoh Laboratories
Consumer Relations Dept 800-292-4794 "
I've left Danielle's name and phone number because she's been so responsive that I am sure that if anyone were to send a note she would have done the same.
***I am a little embarrassed and very happy to announce that it was not my Lansinoh bags that were the problem -- I borrowed a few GERBER Bags from a friend while I was out of my super great Lansinoh bags with the double zipper (that have in a bind held 12 oz!)
Thank you Lansinoh - you've done everything to support us in our EIGHT Months!! We are pushing for that one year mark!! No Formula for US!!!
Off goes our letter to Gerber..
14 hours ago
Wow! What a great response! I will definitely recommend them to anyone I know breast feeding. Great job!!
Wow!! That's some great customer service!! Proud to say I was a loyal Lasinoh customer after reading that!
I loved those Lansinoh bags.... they were all I used. Good luck getting to the one year mark... I only planned on 6 months and nursed for 16!! Enjoy it... I miss it...
That is great customer service...I used their bags too and never had any problems!
I can't believe you sent the letter to the wrong company! Actually, I can totally believe it, lol. I've done VERY similar things. Let us know how Gerber responds.
Good to know about Lansiloh. I love their products, and this was the cherry on top!
That is awesome! I love love love companies with great customer service. When I find one I feel like I've found a precious little gem that the entire world needs to know about.
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