I had to use this photo today, it was honestly on the street I pass over when I am on my way to work, I had to backup in the middle of the street and roll down my foggy window to get the shot but that's too funny... thanks Ike..
If you'd like to participate in this week's Friday Foto Finish Fiesta, or if you just want to look at more pictures, head on over to Candid Carrie's and check it out!
8 hours ago
"Musta gotta Lottaa":-) Hee, hee, hee:-)
Thank you for playing again.
That is my mailbox and those are bills. Alright, not really. But I'll bet it belongs to Dooce and that is her phan mail.
Wow--how did the mailboxes end up like that? For sure, we're all playing the Silly Sunday Sweepstakes--come on by!
Ike is a nutball! I slightly dislike him and we are all the way up in Ohio dealing with him!
Thanks for the laugh!
That is too funny, especially with your caption!
LOL--that looks like my mailbox and it's all junk mail! I feel like I'm drowning in it!
How can you be so sure that it's not normally like this, eh?
That's funny.
I probably would have backed up in the middle of the street, too, if I saw that! I'm surprised it's still in one piece, just a little caddy-whompus.
This picture is hilarious. I just wish I had a mail box instead of a PO box.
Thanks for stopping by New Zealand on the BATW tour.
HA! Love this! This cracked me up! Thanks for stoping by - please visit again!
ROFL!! Did he get the IKEA catalog??!?!
I always forget my camera and miss shots like that! To funny! Thanks for sharing -- Much Love
LOL! Your post title is great!
That's pretty funny.....
So funny.
You know destruction of mailboxes is a federal offense...
Hilarious picture! And, made that much better because you got to blog about it! LOL
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